Thursday, October 22, 2020

Top 4 General Dentistry Procedures

A dental clinic is a place that almost everyone out there has been to once. It is due to some or other dental problem or just for a routine checkup. While some go through serious dental issues, most people face issues like cavities, tooth decay or natural loss of teeth due to ageing. All such things come under the category of general dentistry. Here, we talk about the top 4 procedures that come under this category. 

Dental Crowns and Bridges – This is a procedure that involves the use of prosthetics in the colour of your teeth to cover the area of missing tooth or provide an even shape to your teeth. It brings back the biting force to a certain extent. 

Dentures – Over time, during old age, people start losing teeth naturally. There comes a time when there are not enough teeth in the mouth to enable them to neither talk nor eat. This is where you need to opt for dentures, which is a complete set of new prosthetic teeth. 

Tooth Implants – A tooth Implant in Surrey is a procedure that involves the insertion of a titanium post into your jawbone and then placing an artificial tooth on it to fill the void of a missing tooth in the best possible manner. 

If you are looking for tooth implant in North Delta or any other general dentistry treatment, then you must head to the Nordel Crossing Dental Centre or call them and fix an appointment now.